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…the meaning of shemirah is

Monday, May 2, 2011

Continued from “Throw It Down Hard”

Ethan has been working on the potter’s wheel for almost an hour.

 His body set tells me that he is beginning to tire.  

His arms are red and wet with terra cotta water clay up to his elbows.

"It's not too messy." Ethan gazed at me with innocent blue eyes.  

His dad laughed.

“I guess the maid will have to clean it up.”

His dad and I both laughed.  

“Who do you think the maid is?”

“Well, when I’m at home, its my mom!”

His dad and I laughed again.  

We all worked together to clean up.  Cleaning up is as important

 as the making in my world, as it becomes action’s boundary and

 acts to link a new segment of time and action to the last.